
The Energy Evaluation has a wealth of resources including conference papers, online articles and webinars. You can browse them with the full-text search option, as well as filters (region, type of resources, year).

Europe, Webinars | July 4, 2024
On June 26th, Energy Evaluation Europe hosted its fourth Lunch and Learn session online. For this intense and interesting discussion Joel Franklin (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and EEE Planning Committee member) welcomed esteemed panelists Gesche Huebner (University College London, UK) and Carine Sebi (Grenoble Ecole de Management, France) to delve into the question: “How […]
Europe, Webinars | September 22, 2023
Residential Retrofit: What Have We Learned and What Should Come Next?” With 14 participants, host experts Jean-Sébastien Broc and Lisa Groves, as well as experts Kate Jenkins and Albane Gaspard, discussed retrofit perspectives from the UK and France. Active participation from attendees, including perspectives from England, France, and Ireland, enriched our discussions and broadened our horizons.
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Methodological challenges in qualitative energy poverty research, by Ute Dubois, Anca Sinea
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Municipal climate action managers: How to quantify their impact, byTanja Kenkmann, Benjamin Köhler, Tilman Hesse, Carmen Loschke
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Preferences for thermal retrofits in private condominiums: A discrete choice experiment with landlords and owner-occupiers in France, by Valeria Fanghella, Marie-Charlotte Guetlein, Joachim Schleich, Carine Sebi
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Assessment of energy efficiency of metals, pulp & paper and commerce sectors – the challenge with indicators, by Johanna Kirkinen, Lea Gynther
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
A methodology for considering additionality and sustainability aspects in results monitoring of energy access projects, by Kresten Kjaer Sorensen
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Taxes versus Targets: An Empirical Analysis of two Policy Instruments on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in the Industry and Service Sector, by Thomas Leu
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Energy Affordability: Sharing Lessons from the EU and Australia's Low Carbon Transitions, by Viktoria Noka, Johanna Cludius, David Ritter, Sangeetha Chandra-Shekeran, Dylan McConnel
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Carbon pricing of basic materials: Incentives and risks for the value chain and consumers, by Jan Stede, Stefan Pauliuk, Gilang Hardadi, Karsten Neuhoff
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
The case for an evaluation requirement in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, by Samuel THOMAS
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Evaluating the UK’s Energy Company Obligation: revealing public acceptability of the home improvements required to reach Net Zero, by Dr Owen Davis, Victoria Smart, Alex Thornton, Emily Edwards-Hughes
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Fundamental issues for policy evaluations and lessons to be learned, by Arianne J. van der Wal, Casper Tigchelaar
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Industry lobbying for transition policy. Evaluation of stakeholder involvement in the Dutch Climate Agreement policymaking process. by Douwe G. Truijens
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Socioeconomic evaluation of a retrofitting obligation for rental housing in France, by Lucas Vivier and Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Evaluating the impact of advice and appliances replacements on power demand and energy consumption: feedback from a field study on the Réunion Island, by Guillaume BINET, Delphine BOUSAROUT
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
How to increase the transparency of ex-ante impact evaluations of energy efficiency and climate policies. Illustrated by the example of a funding program for energy and resource efficiency in industry in Germany, by Iska Brunzema, Barbara Schlomann, Andreas Kemmler
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Increasing Transparency and Completeness of Climate and Energy Policies and Measures Reporting, by Tom Dauwe, Nele Renders
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Building the Evaluation Capacity Among Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) for the SDGs Era in Asia Pacific Region, by Asela Kalugampitiya
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Reducing Air Pollution through Smart Energy Management in Industrial Clusters of India, by Sanjay Dube
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Identifying the potential for EU-wide convergence of EPC schemes through a comparison of the existing and experimental enhanced EPC schemes, by Sriraj Gokarakonda, Stefan Thomas, Maike Venjakob, Gatis Žogla
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Flexibilities: because you’re worth it! Scaling up renewables connection with local flexibilities, by Hubert Dupin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of Climate and Energy Programme for Sustainable Development using Text Mining technique: A comparative study across 65 countries, by Haein Cho
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
The vital role of the target definition in the evaluation of a target, by Robert Harmsen
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
EnDev Results factors - A methodology for considering additionality and sustainability aspects in results monitoring of energy access projects, by Kresten Kjaer Soerensen
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Regression discontinuity design - a suitable methodology for evaluating the direct incentive effect of State aid on the deployment of renewable energy? by Vasilios Anatolitis and Fynn Hübner
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Cluster Evaluation: Solar Power Operations of EBRD, by Tomasz Bartos and Theo Sands
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluating the impact of advice and appliances replacements on power demand and energy consumption: feedback from a field study on the Réunion Island, by Guillaume Binet and Delphine Bousarout
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), by Owen Davis and Alex Thornton
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Flexibilities: because you're worth it, by Hubert Dupin
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Enhancing evaluations of future energy-related product policies with the Digital Product Passport, by Antoine Durand, Thomas Goetz, Tim Hettesheimer, Lena Tholen, Simon Hirzel and Thomas Adisorn
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
LEIA Contribution Case Study: Pakistan weak- and off-grid fan market, by E Feng Tan Loh
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Taxes versus Targets: an empirical analysis of two policy instruments on greenhouse gas mitigation in the industry and service sector, by Thomas Leu
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Implementing an energy efficiency policy database in Latin America: methodology, lessons and findings, by Laura Sudries, Bruno Lapillonne and Didier Bosseboeuf
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Accelerating the Energy Transition by building policymakers’ knowledge and skills, by Charles Michaelis, Melanie Slade
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
The case for an evaluation requirement in the Energy Efficiency Directive, by Samuel Thomas
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Overview of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes for SMEs in Italy, by Claudia Toro, Enrico Biele, Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Marcello Salvio, Adrianna Threpsiadi and Jack Wilkinson-Dix
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
The Dutch methodological approach for national energy savings and related GHG emission reduction for sectors and policies, by Bonny van Rooijen, Martijn Verdonk and Harry Vreuls
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Are we really future-proofing our high energy performance buildings? by Charlotte Verhaeghe and Stiijn Verbeke
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Retrofitting obligation - A modelling assessment on French dwellings, by Lucas Vivier and Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Best Policy Practices for Supporting Energy Efficiency in SMEs in UK, by Jack Wilkinson-Dix
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Regression Discontinuity Design – A suitable method for evaluating the effect of state aid on renewable energy deployment through auctions? by Vasilios Anatolitis, Fynn Hübner
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of the Next Generation programme – testing innovative postsubsidy business models for community energy, by Mary Anderson, Bill Kirkup, Chloe Nelson, Will Walker
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Solar Power Projects Cluster Evaluation, by Tomasz Bartos, Theo Sands
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Exploring the challenges in developing a multi-criteria assessment for smart local energy systems, by Christina Francis, Bjarnhéðinn Guðlaugsson, R. Camilla Thomson, David Ingram
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of the German Funding Scheme for Energy Efficiency in the Economy: Classical versus Competitive Financial Measures, by Simon Hirzel, Lisa Neusel, Stephan Heinrich, Karsten Weinert, Barbara Schlomann
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Ex-post evaluation of Europe's 2020 energy savings target: providing lessons for the fit-for-55 package, by Robert Harmsen
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Energy Affordability: Sharing Lessons from the EU and Australia's Low Carbon Transitions, by Viktoria Noka
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
How to increase the transparency of ex-ante impact evaluations of energy efficiency and climate policies, by Iska Brunzema, Barbara Schlomann and Andreas Kemmler
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Mixing and Matching: A review of EM&V frameworks in North America, by Katherine Johnson
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Streamlining savings calculations within Europe: lessons learnt from the Capacity Support Facility in EU MS, by Christos Tourkolias
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Can we rank countries according to their energy efficiency policies impacts? The ACEEE & ODYSSEE-MURE Scoreboards, by Didier Bosseboeuf
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Can we rank countries according to their energy efficiency policies impacts? The ACEEE & ODYSSEE-MURE Scoreboards (part 2), by Didier Bosseboeuf
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
The case of KfW 55: could smarter use of evaluation have avoided a public communication desaster? by Christine Wörlen, Oliver Lübker and Guido Ropers
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Industry lobbying for transition policy - Stakeholders in the Dutch Climate Agreement, by Douwe Truijens
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Addressing untapped opportunities through early equipment replacement, by Rita Werle
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
A transformation-oriented theory of change - The accompanying evaluation of the 7th Energy Research Programme in Germany, by Maximilian Zieser
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Introduction to the Panel: Addressing untapped opportunities through early equipment replacement, by Diedert Debusscher
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Building the Evaluation Capacity Among Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) for the SDGs Era in Asia Pacific Region, by Madhuka Liyanagamage, Ana Erika Lareza, Yatin Diwakar and Randika De Mel
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of Washing Machines Efficiency POlicy and its impacts in India, by Kishore Kumar
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Promoting the accelerated replacement of old electric motors in the European Union, by Anibal T. de Almeida and João Fong
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of UNDP support to energy access and transition, by Ben Murphy, Smail Khennas, Gil Yaron, Christine Woerlen, Jens Altevogt, Lucia Soberkova and Max Schmidt
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
ADEME's Long term scenarios to influence decision makers, by Valérie Quiniou
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of the German Funding Scheme for Energy Efficiency in the Economy: Classical versus Competitive Financial Measures, by Simon Hirzel, Lisa Neusel, Karsten Weinert, Stephan Heinrich, Barbara Schlomann
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Tailor-Made DSM: What vulnerable customers need from energy efficiency programs, by Katherine Johnson, Nicola Tran, Sarah Castor, Natalie Gray, Sarah Vernon
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Assessment of energy efficiency of metals, pulp & paper and commerce sectors - the challenge with indicators, by Johanna Kirkinen and Lea Gynther
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Ten years of price evaluation in a renovation market with volatile financial incentives: The effect of Energy Efficiency Obligation on residential market prices, by Dominique Osso, Nadège Chatagnon and Eric Gasparotto
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Best Policy Practices for Supporting Energy Efficiency in SMEs in UK, by Adrianna Threpsiadi, Jack Wilkinson-Dix, Enrico Biele, Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Marcello Salvio, Claudia Toro
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Energy Efficiency First and Multiple Impacts: integrating two concepts for decision-making in the EU energy system, by Tim Mandel, Ivana Rogulj, Benigna Boza-Kiss, Lukas Kranzl, Ece Özer, Andreas Müller
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Ten years of price evaluation in a renovation market with volatile financial incentives: The effect of Energy Efficiency Obligation on residential market prices, by D. Osso, N. Chatagnon, E. Gasparotto
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Implementing an energy efficiency policies database in Latin American countries: methodology, lessons, and findings, by Laura Sudries, Didier Bosseboeuf, Bruno Lapillonne
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Overview of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes for SMEs in Italy, by Claudia Toro, Enrico Biele, Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Marcello Salvio, Adrianna Threpsiadi, Jack Wilkinson-Dix
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Streamlining savings calculations within Europe: lessons learnt from the Capacity Support Facility in EU Member States, by Christos Tourkolias, Paula Fonseca, Nele Renders
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
The Dutch methodological approach for national energy savings and related greenhouse gas emissions reduction for sectors and policies, by Bonny van Rooijen, Martijn Verdonk, Harry Vreuls
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Increasing transparency and completeness of climate and energy policies and measures reporting, by Tom Dauwe and Nele Renders
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Are we really future-proofing our high energy performance buildings? Energy renovations in a context of techno-economic, political and social uncertainty, by Charlotte Verhaeghe, Stijn Verbeke, Amaryllis Audenaert
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
A transformation-oriented theory of change: the accompanying evaluation of the 7th Energy Research Programme in Germany, by Michael Dinges, Anna Wang, Maximilian Zieser, Christiane Kerlen, Kathleen Toepel, Stefan Meyer, Peter Kaufmann, Jakob Kofler, Harald Wieser
Conference Papers, Europe | September 30, 2022
Enhancing evaluations of future energy-related product policies with the Digital Product Passport, by Antoine Durand, Thomas Goetz, Tim Hettesheimer, Lena Tholen, Simon Hirzel, Thomas Adisorn
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Preferences for thermal retrofit measures in multi-owner buildings: A discrete choice experiment with landlords and owner-occupiers in France, by Marie-Charlotte Guetlein, Valeria Fanghella, Joachim Schleich and Carine Sebi
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
High-quality energy performance assessment and certification in Europe: accelerating deep energy renovation, by Sriraj Gokarakonda, Stefan Thomas, Maike Venjakob and Gatis Žogla
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Tracking building energy codes for the Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, by Harry Kennard and Ian Hamilton
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Energy Efficiency First and Multiple Impacts: integrating two concepts for decision-making in the EU energy system, by Tim Mandel, Ivana Rogulj, Benigna Boza-Kiss, Lukas Kranzl et al.
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Exploring the challenges in developing a multi-criteria assessment for smart local energy systems, by Bjarnhedinn Gudlaugsson, Christina Francis, R. Camilla Thomson and David Ingram
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluating Efficiency for Access programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from the evaluation of a pioneering Solar Water Pump (SWP) awareness campaign in Machakos County, Kenya, by David Kenington, Yasemin Erboy Ruff, Sheree Conibear and Gordon Achola
Europe, Presentations | September 30, 2022
Evaluation of the Next Generation Programme - Testing innovative post-subsidy business models for community energy, by Mary Anderson
Europe, Presentations | September 28, 2022
IPPC AR6 on climate mitigation: why a change in energy evaluation is needed? by Yamina Saheb
Europe, Presentations | September 28, 2022
Challenges for evaluation stemming from auditing energy and climate policies, by Lorenzo Pirelli
Europe, Presentations | June 21, 2022
Grand Paris Express - Benefits-Costs Analysis and Environmental Issues, by Dominique Bureau
Europe, Online Articles | July 26, 2021
EEE Q2 2021 Newsletter
The Energy Evaluation Europe Q2 2021 Newsletter is now out! Download it here: Best wishes, The Energy Evaluation Team
Europe, Webinars | June 9, 2021
Webinar #19: Lessons learnt from the EEA catalogue of environment and climate policy evaluations in Europe
Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis. Webinar #18 of the Energy Evaluation Academy
Europe, Online Articles | April 19, 2021
EEE Q1 2021 Newsletter
The Energy Evaluation Europe Q1 2021 Newsletter is now out! Download it here: Best wishes, The Energy Evaluation Team
Conference Papers, Europe | April 16, 2021
A Comparative Analysis of the Trading Behavior of the Participants in the first three Phases of the EU Emissions Trading System, by Thomas Leu
Asia, Europe, Webinars | April 1, 2021
EEAP Webinar: Energy Efficiency for Developing Countries: Pivoting the Focus from Savings to Increased Outputs
Much of the analysis of energy efficiency investments has focused on energy savings. But for developing countries, the value of energy efficiency arguably lies more in the additional goods and services that energy efficiency can generate to raise standards of living. This webinar will discuss how to adapt economic analysis to capture this different perspective.
Conference Papers, Europe | March 29, 2021
Evaluation of the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme (Salix) in the UK, by Paolo Agnolucci, Chrysanthi Rapti, Alberto Caron, Steve Evans and Paul Ruyssevelt
Conference Papers, Europe | March 18, 2021
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Agile Evaluation for SEM and Performance-Based Programs: Increasing Certainty and Program Uptake and Decreasing Risk, by Holly Farah, Erin Rowe and Andrew Bernath
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Energy balances in useful energy in Latin America: Lessons learnt from 6 countries, by Didier Bosseboeuf
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Ex-post verification and cost-effective delivery of energy-efficiency programs -- How to produce value without breaking the bank on verification, by Daniel Violette,
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Shifting governance roles to reach long-term energy transition goals, by Andreas Ligtvoet, Jasper van Dijk and Chiel Scholten
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Evaluation of user engagement in smart local energy system projects in the UK, by Rajat Gupta
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Can energy projects be over-evaluated? by Sam Hampton
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
How to learn fast? A case study of challenges in evaluating a programme designed to bring about systems transformation, by Michelle Hollier
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Promoting the renewable energy generation in rural areas – The role of the Rural Community Energy Fund, by David Birchby
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Energy savings calculation methods in practice – analysis of regional utility-driven energy efficiency programme data, by Thomas Mendes de Matos Guibentif,
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Experiences from supporting the self-evaluation of the French innovation programme “City of Tomorrow”, by Gaëtan Coatanroch
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
New methods to assess the impact of energy efficiency policies on energy consumption and energy savings in the EU Member States, by Paolo Bertoldi
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Ensuring statistics have power - Sample sizes, effect sizes and confidence intervals (and how to use them), by Ben Anderson
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Recent energy efficiency trends in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, by Marie Rousselot
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Evaluating a large energy innovation portfolio, by Nico Jabin and Robert Rutherfoord,
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Gamified energy saving behaviour change in European buildings: Initial impacts from a webbased app developed with its pilot users, by Andrew Reeves and Richard Bull
Europe, Presentations | March 16, 2021
Developing the framework for multi-criteria assessment of smart local energy systems, by Christina Francis
Europe, Webinars | March 15, 2021
Webinar #18: Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis
Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis. Webinar #18 of the Energy Evaluation Academy
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Attributing savings of utility midstream energy efficiency programs: Standardizing a protocol to estimate free ridership, by Laura Agapay-Read
Asia, Conference Papers, Europe | March 15, 2021
Energy management for our better future: Sustainable communities in the cities for supporting Low Carbon Development Program 2020-2024 in North Sulawesi - Indonesia, by Glanny Mangindaan
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
The dilemma of evaluating impacts of informational measures, by Katja Schumacher, Martin Steinestel , Reinhard Loch, Dominik Jessing
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
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Why transaction costs do not decrease over time? Case study of energy efficiency programmes in Czechia, by Michaela Valentová, Martin Horák, and Lukáš Dvořáček
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency - A comprehensive indicator approach, by Matthias Reuter
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
The multidimensional co-benefits and injustices of low carbon transitions in Europe, by Benjamin Sovacool
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Evaluating the net effect of the ISDE Subsidy Scheme in the Netherlands – comparison of evaluation methods to estimate additionality, by Robin Niessink
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Energy poverty in Bulgaria - Analysis and policy recommendations, by Dragomir Tzanev
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Success and Limitations of EU and US Evaluated Energy Efficiency, Robert Neumann
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Weaving a contribution story from multiple workstreams and imperfect counterfactuals – evaluation of the UK Climate Change Agreements scheme, by Mary Anderson and Laura Edwards
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Energy intermediaries for just urban futures, by Stefan Bouzarovski
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Neighbourhood consultancy centres for the adoption of low-carbon technologies by homeowners: Experiences from Dutch initiatives, by Erwin Mlecnik
Europe, Online Articles | March 15, 2021
Werewolf in London: Minding the Gap with User-Friendly Energy Optimization Tools Informing Policy Makers through the Energy Transition, by Josh Arnold, Adam Christensen and Michael Ferris
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Adapting impact evaluation frameworks for energy codes and standards in emerging countries, by Amandine Gal
Europe, Presentations | March 15, 2021
Werewolf in London: Bridging the gap between data and policy with user-friendly optimization energy model tools, by Michael Ferris
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
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Know the grounds: Evaluating investment into climate and energy transition in Europe, by Aleksandra Novikova, Michaela Valentová, Agris Kamenders, Jaroslav Knápek, Alexander Klinge, Kateryna Stelmakh
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
Analysing conflicting energy and climate targets between municipalities, energy utilities and housing companies in Sweden, by Stefan Blomqvist
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
Reducing transport’s impact on climate change and energy consumption: The role of the EU’s vehicle CO2 emissions Regulations, by Achilleas Tsamis
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
The Federal Programme for Heating Systems Optimisation in Germany – Evaluation methods and intermediate results, by Florin Vondung
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
The South African S&L appliance programme – Time to strengthen MEPS, by Theodore Covary and Stephane de la Rue du Can
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
Understanding EV Owners’ Preferences Towards Enrolling in Smart Charging, by William A. Rodriguez Jimenez and Ian Schneider
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
The effects of LED light bulb installation on electricity demand in UK households: Results of a large-n randomised control trial, by Ben Anderson
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
Comparative analysis of the trading behaviour of the participants in the first and the third phase of the EU ETS, by Thomas Leu
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
The ups and downs of the French EEO scheme: Positive and negative impacts on the building renovation market, by Dominique Osso, A. Roland and N. Chatagnon
Europe, Presentations | March 11, 2021
Lessons and open issues from the first period of the Energy Efficiency Obligation schemes and Alternative Measures in the EU? by Vlasis Oikonomou
Europe, Online Articles | March 11, 2021
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Know the grounds: evaluating investment in climate and energy transition in Czechia, Latvia, and Germany, by Michaela Valentová, Aleksandra Novikova and Agris Kamenders
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
One size fits all? Emerging challenges to harmonising energy efficiency evaluations in a changing policy arena, by Fabian Voswinkel
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Is there still time for evaluation? A review of good practices to integrate evaluation into the policy cycle, by Jean-Sébastien Broc
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Delivering learning and accountability: Experience from UK Government energy evaluations, by Laura Edwards and Tajbee Ahmed,
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Testing the strength of impact evidence - applying contribution tracing within a realist evaluation of Transitional Arrangements for demand-side response, by Mary Anderson, Tajbee Ahmed, Barbara Befani and Charles Michaelis
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Life-cycle assessment of US biomass supply and the role of biomass electricity for meeting UK emission objectives, by Paul Meier and Andreas Van Giezen
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
The potential power of different levels of energy access to reduce poverty, improve health, education and gender equality, by Mirjam Harmelink and Milou Beerepoot
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Mind the gap: Tracking recommendations to improve program effectiveness Katherine Johnson, Scott Reeves, and Nicola Tran
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Financing and delivering UK public sector energy efficiency: Insights from the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme evaluation, by David Kenington,
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Europe's energy transition: Embracing a new paradigm towards carbon neutrality, by Hans Bruyninckx
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Energy related emissions reduction through life style change, by Joost Gerdes
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Evaluating instruments stimulating sustainability transitions: promoting biomass boilers in Germany and the UK, by Alexander Morgan
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Aggregators as digital intermediaries to local electricity markets, by Liz Varga
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Evaluation of energy efficiency measures using top-down and bottom-up indicators – methodological implications and practical experience in Slovakia, by Katarina Korytarova,
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Municipalities in focus: Evaluating the Local Authorities Guideline (LAG) within the National Climate Initiative (NCI) of Germany: Challenges and findings, by Tanja Kenkmann
Europe, Presentations | March 10, 2021
Challenges in Energy Transition UK approach and Role of Evaluation, by Chris Thompson
Conference Papers, Europe | March 4, 2021
Energy related emissions reduction through life style change, by Joost Gerdes
Conference Papers, Europe | March 1, 2021
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Experiences from supporting the self-evaluation of the French innovation programme "City of Tomorrow", by Gaëtan Coatanroch
Conference Papers, Europe | March 1, 2021
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Evaluating the impact of an emerging sector: Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund, by E Feng Tan Loh and Gillian Davies
Conference Papers, Europe | March 1, 2021
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Gamified energy saving behaviour change in European buildings: initial impacts from a web-based app developed with its pilot users, by Andrew Reeves, Ashley Morton and Richard Bull
Conference Papers, Europe | February 26, 2021
Is there still time for evaluation? A review of good practices to integrate evaluation into the policy cycle, by Jean-Sébastien Broc, Vlasis Oikonomou and Mia Dragovic
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Multiple impacts of energy efficiency – A comprehensive indicator approach, by Matthias Reuter, Wolfgang Eichhammer and Katharina Wohlfarth
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
The multidimensional co-benefits and injustices of low carbon transitions in Europe, by Benjamin K. Sovacool
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Shifting governance roles to reach long-term energy transition goals, by Andreas Ligtvoet, Jasper van Dijk, and Chiel Scholten
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
The effects of LED light bulb installation on electricity demand in UK households: results of a large n randomised control trial, by Ben Anderson, Tom Rushby, Abubakr Bahaj, and Patrick James
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Weaving a contribution story from multiple workstreams and imperfect counterfactuals – evaluation of UK Climate Change Agreements scheme, by Mary Anderson, Laura Edwards, Laura Bell, Charles Michaelis, and Fiona Brocklehurst
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Evaluating a large energy innovation portfolio, by Nico Jabin and Robert Rutherfoord
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Energy savings calculation methods in practice – analysis of regional utility-driven energy efficiency programme data, by Thomas MM Guibentif, and Martin Patel
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Does learning reduce transaction costs in energy efficiency programmes? by Michaela Valentová, Martin Horák, and Lukáš Dvořáček
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Testing the strength of impact evidence - applying contribution tracing within a realist evaluation of Transitional Arrangements for demand-side response, by Mary Anderson, Tajbee Ahmed, Barbara Befani, and Charles Michaelis
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Towards Increasing the Building Energy Performance Estimation Accuracy: BIM-to-BEPs and Occupant Profiling Methods, by Giorgos Giannakis and Antonis Papanikolaou
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
The South African S&L appliance programme - Time to strengthen MEPS, by Theo Covary and Stephane de la Rue du Can
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Ensuring statistics have power: sample sizes, effect sizes and confidence intervals (and how to use them), by Ben Anderson, Tom Rushby, Abubakr Bahaj, and Patrick James
Conference Papers, Europe | February 25, 2021
Energy balances in useful energy in Latin America : lessons learnt from 6 countries, by Didier Bosseboeuf and Bruno Lapillonne
Conference Papers, Europe | February 12, 2021
Delivering learning and accountability: experience from UK Government energy evaluations, by Laura Edwards, Tajbee Ahmed and Marianne Law
Conference Papers, Europe | February 5, 2021
Neighbourhood consultancy centres for the adoption of low-carbon technologies by homeowners: experiences from Dutch initiatives, by Erwin Mlecnik, Oubbol Oung, Ariane Lelieveld, Marianne de Snoo, and Coen Vos
Area, Asia, Europe, Online Articles | February 2, 2021
Kathleen Gaffney
Kathleen Gaffney The whole Energy Evaluation community has been saddened by the loss of Kathleen who passed away in Paris on 21 January 2021. Kathleen was a leader in the evaluation field with a career which included roles at DNV GLand Navigant in the US, Australia and the UK. In 2018 Kathleen joined the International […]
Europe, Online Articles | January 11, 2021
EEE 2021 Q1 Newsletter
The EEE 2021 Newsletter is now out! Download it here:
Conference Papers, Europe | December 17, 2020
Recent energy efficiency trends in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, by Marie Rousselot, Nicolas Mairet, Frédéric Pinto da Rocha, and Didier Bosseboeuf
Conference Papers, Europe | December 15, 2020
The potential power of different levels of energy access to reduce poverty, improve health, education and gender equality, by Mirjam Harmelink and Milou Beerepoot
Conference Papers, Europe | December 15, 2020
EEE2020_paper_Daniel Violette
Ex-Post Verification and Cost-Effective Delivery of Energy-Efficiency Programs -- How to Produce Value without Breaking the Bank on Verification, by Daniel M. Violette
Conference Papers, Europe | December 3, 2020
The ups and downs of the French EEO scheme: positive and negative impacts on the building renovation market, by Dominique Osso, Arthur Rolland and Nadège Chatagnon
Conference Papers, Europe | November 23, 2020
One size fits all? Emerging challenges to harmonising energy efficiency evaluations in a changing policy arena, by Fabian Voswinkel
Asia, Europe, Online Articles, Presentations, Webinars | November 19, 2020
Integrated Evaluation for the Energy Transition
Watch it here! Energy Evaluation Org are pleased to present an exclusive presentation on Integrated Evaluation for the Energy Transition featuring Kevin Cooney. Kevin owns Buka Energy Strategies and is a key member of Energy Evaluation, sitting on our Board of Trustees. Today Kevin takes us through the Energy Transition needed to reduce greenhouse […]
Europe, Webinars | October 28, 2020
Webinar #17: The EU’s energy efficiency policies scrutinised by the European Court of Auditors
This webinar presented the role of the European Court of Auditors in the EU policy process, how it relates to evaluation, and the main conclusions from the recent reports on EU energy efficiency policies.
Conference Papers, Europe | October 8, 2020
Evaluation of energy efficiency measures using top down and bottom up indicators methodological implications and practical experience in Slovakia, by Katarína Korytárová
Conference Papers, Europe | September 15, 2020
The dilemma of evaluating impacts of informational measures, by Katja Schumacher, Martin Steinestel, Reinhard Loch, Dominik Jessing
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
How to learn fast? A case study of challenges in evaluating a programme designed to bring about systems transformation, by Michelle Hollier, and Emma Harrison
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Promoting the renewable energy generation in rural areas – The role of the Rural Community Energy Fund, by David Birchby, Lisa Groves, Alec Davies, Serena Churchill, Paul Courtney, and John Powell
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Analysing Conflicting Energy and Climate Targets between Municipalities, Energy Utilities and Housing Companies in Sweden, by Stefan Blomqvist, Arvid Andersson, Oscar Spinos, Johannes Tonelid, Patrik Rohdin, and Louise Ödlund
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Urban density and energy efficiency in the London Building Stock Model, by Stephen Evans, Daniel Godoy-Shimizu, Dominic Humphrey, Philip Steadman, Paul Ruyssevelt, Rob Liddiard
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Developing the framework for multi-criteria assessment of smart local energy systems, by Christina Francis, Alessa Sierra Costa, R. Camilla Thomson, and David M. Ingram
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Mind the gap: Tracking recommendations to improve program effectiveness, by Katherine Johnson, Scott Reeves, and Nicola Tran
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Adapting Impact Evaluation Frameworks for Energy Codes and Standards in Emerging Countries, by Amandine Gal, Marie-Claude Hamelin, and Stéphanie Nour
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Can energy projects be over evaluated? by Sam Hampton and Tina Fawcett
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Reducing transport’s impact on climate change and energy consumption - the role of the EU’s vehicle CO2 emissions regulations, by Sujith Kollamthodi, Gena Gibson, Achilleas Tsamis, and Ella Andrew
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Financing and delivering UK public sector energy efficiency: Insights from the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme evaluation, by David Kenington, Michelle Hollier, Laura Edwards, and Laura Bell
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
EV Charging You Can’t Refuse: Unlimited, by Julie Black, Jonathan Taffel, Dan Feng, and Chelsea Liddell
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Integrating evaluation to expand an innovative water and energy savings program in the United States, by Mary Sutter, Jenn Mitchell-Jackson, Chris Cone, and Chris Bradt
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Understanding EV Owners’ Preferences Towards Enrolling in Smart Charging Programs, by William Rodriguez Jimenez, and Ian Schneider
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Evaluation of user engagement in smart local energy system projects in the UK, by Rajat Gupta and Sahar Zahiri
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Aggregators as digital intermediaries to local electricity markets, by Andrey Postnikov, Calum Edmunds, Jesus Nieto-Martin, Timoleon Kipouros, Yukun Hu, Ian Elders, Stuart Galloway, and Liz Varga
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Evaluating the Net Effect of the ISDE Subsidy Scheme in the Netherlands – Comparison of Evaluation Methods to Estimate Additionality, by Robin Niessink
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Success and Limitations of EU & US Evaluated Energy Efficiency, by Robert Neumann, Randy Gunn and Karen Maoz
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Evaluating instruments stimulating sustainability transitions: promoting biomass boilers in Germany and the UK, by Alexander Morgan, William Zappa, Robert Harmsen and Paul Lehmann
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Life-cycle assessment of U.S. biomass supply and the role of biomass electricity for meeting UK emission objectives, by Paul J Meier, Fernanda Availa Swinburn, and Andreas Vincent van Giezen
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Municipalities in focus: Evaluating the Local Authorities Guideline (LAG) within the National Climate Initiative (NCI) of Germany: challenges and findings, by Tanja Kenkmann, Katja Schumacher, Lothar Eisenmann, and Lisa Muckenfuss
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
The Federal Programme for Heating Systems Optimisation in Germany – evaluation methods and intermediate results, by Christina Reineck, Felix Suerkemper, Florin Vondung, Stefan Thomas, and Christine Wörlen
Conference Papers, Europe | July 1, 2020
Attributing Savings of Utility Midstream Energy Efficiency Programs: Standardizing a Protocol to Estimate Free Ridership, by Laura Agapay-Read and Jan Harris
Europe, Webinars | June 17, 2020
Webinar #16: Evaluating the UK’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
Methodology and findings from the evaluation of UK's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) dealing with energy audits and energy efficiency in businesses.
Asia, Europe, Webinars | October 9, 2019
Webinar #15: US DOE’s Uniform Methods Project
Overview of the US DOE’s Uniform Methods Project that develops protocols for determining energy savings from energy efficiency programmes
Europe, Webinars | September 30, 2019
Webinar (EPATEE): Lessons learnt about evaluation practices for energy efficiency policies in Europe
This webinar presented the resources and lessons learnt from the EPATEE project dealing with experience sharing on evaluation practices for energy efficiency policies in Europe.
Europe, Webinars | June 26, 2019
Webinar #14: How to improve the evaluation of complex systems to improve policy-making
The success of an evaluation and the impact of its findings hinges on the way policymakers and practitioners are involved in and perceive the evaluation process. This webinar presents on how to do this for complex systems.
Asia, Europe, Webinars | April 30, 2019
Webinar #13: Energy Program and Policy Evaluation Capacity Building in the Asia Pacific
Overview of evaluation capacity building in EE in the Asia Pacific region, and key topics of EEAP’s Second Evaluation Conference (held in Bangkok in October 2019)
Europe, Online Articles | April 4, 2019
Making energy efficiency a strategic priority
The EU-funded Horizon 2020 project “Valuing and Communicating the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency” today launched its new web site. The site will serve as a platform for collaboration between project partners and businesses to make energy efficiency investments a lasting competitive advantage
Conference Papers, Europe | March 6, 2019
Building America: Retrospective Evaluation of a Unique DOE Demonstration and Market Diffusion Program
The IEc team applied a mixed-methods design to evaluate the US DOE’s Building America (BA) program, a residential large-scale technology demonstration, peer-to-peer information exchange and market diffusion program for residential energy efficiency (EE) technologies and practices...
Europe, Webinars | March 5, 2019
Webinar (EPATEE): How and what can we learn from verifying energy savings first estimated with engineering calculations? (part 2)
This webinar provided lessons learnt from studies using large databases of metered energy consumption to compare with data from Energy Performance Certificates or building stock modelling (experience from the Netherlands and UK).
Europe, Webinars | December 14, 2018
Webinar (EPATEE): How and what can we learn from verifying energy savings first estimated with engineering calculations? (part 1)
This webinar aimed at providing a practical feedback from two ex-post evaluations that compared energy savings from engineering calculations with energy savings from metered energy consumption, in the Czech Republic and in UK.
Europe, Webinars | December 6, 2018
Webinar #12: Evaluation of Compliance Framework of Labeling Program in India
Presents an evaluation of BEE’s monitoring, verification and enforcement framework for India’s labeling program.
Europe, Webinars | November 13, 2018
Webinar #11: Intersections of energy efficiency and health and wellbeing: findings from the UK
Provides a summary of findings from recent energy performance and retrofit programme health impact evaluations in the UK
Europe, Webinars | September 20, 2018
Webinar #10: Multiple impacts of energy efficiency: approaches, results and insights from the COMBI project
Presents a first look at multiple impacts from energy efficiency at European level based on the COMBI project
Europe, Webinars | June 25, 2018
Webinar #9: Plugging the gap between energy poverty management and the lived experience: five principles
Articulates a new approach to energy poverty policy, based on bringing insights from a multi-disciplinary understanding of the lived experience of energy poverty into policy design.
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Hamelin_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Eichhammer_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Oliveira_Renders_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Novikova_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Neumann_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Leu_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Laurent_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Larkin_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 John_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Folks_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Cludius_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 eco21_Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 DiSanto_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Chiara ENEA final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Osso_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Novikova-clean
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Bertoldi_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Bliss_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Braungardt_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Breitschopf_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Broc_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Büchele_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Oppenheim_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Ambrose_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Parlin_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Stern_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 PP402_VanDerMeulen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Wöhri_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Wiese_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Voswinkel_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Vitulli_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Summerfield_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Skumatz_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Seebauer_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Schumacher_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Reynaud_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Raynaud_paper_vienna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 25, 2018
2018 Puckett_paper_vienna
Europe, Webinars | May 30, 2018
Webinar #8: Evaluating energy efficiency policies: new online resources to share knowledge and experience
Presents new online resources developed by the European project EPATEE to make knowledge and experience on evaluation practices for energy efficiency policies more easily available.
Europe, Webinars | March 20, 2018
Webinar (EPATEE): How energy efficiency policy evaluation can produce benefits and add value to policy makers? (part 2)
Webinar sharing experience from Denmark and Finland about the added value of evaluation
Europe, Webinars | March 13, 2018
Webinar (EPATEE): How energy efficiency policy evaluation can produce benefits and add value to policy makers? (part 1)
Webinar sharing experience from Ireland and Sweden about the added value of evaluation
Europe, Webinars | July 6, 2017
Webinar #7: The De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform DEEP
Overview of the De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP), which improved sharing and transparent analysis of existing projects in buildings and industry.
Europe, Webinars | April 20, 2017
Webinar #6: Ensuring effective delivery of EU energy efficiency targets
Two countries share their experiences of how to set up effective systems to ensure that energy efficiency improvements are being delivered effectively.
Europe, Webinars | February 21, 2017
Webinar #5: Evaluation Measurement & Verification (EM&V) – Overview of Best Practices for Europe
Focuses on a few best practices examples of EM&V on the EED
Europe, Webinars | November 27, 2016
Webinar #4: Implementation of Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive
Findings of a study on implementation of Article 8 of the EU Energy Directive across Member States.
Europe, Webinars | June 22, 2016
Webinar #3: Can Europe deliver on energy efficiency?
Can Europe deliver on energy efficiency? Investigating the effectiveness of Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Webinar #3 of the Energy Evaluation Academy.
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Dethman
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Groves
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Dougherty
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Elnecave
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Ford
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Gotz
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Grover
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Harmelink
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Hamilton
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Hassall
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Hummer
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper James
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Jane Pater Salmon
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Khanna
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Dhingra
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Anagnostopoulos
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Cross
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Baatz
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Weinsziehr
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Abdou
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Abeelen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Agnolucci
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Larkin Gheorghe
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Arcipowska
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Bertholet
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Covary
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Bertoldi
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Braithwait
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Cabrera
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Chirez
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Cornelis
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Corry Smith
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Larkin Bucquet
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Harmsen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Leden
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Rosenow
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Lessem
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Ye
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Worlen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Violette
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Tiefenbeck
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Tiedemann
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Thema
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Sulyma
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Stevens
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Stern
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Steele
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Skumatz
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Schumacher
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Schare
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Stewart
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Reid
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Ligtvoet
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Reeves Khare
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Rasisuddhi
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Parlin
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Ozawa-Meida
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Owen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Osso
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Leu
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Novikova
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Moser
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Reeves Mitchell
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Milojkovic
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper Michaelis
Conference Papers, Europe | June 7, 2016
2016 Paper McRae
Europe, Webinars | April 20, 2016
Webinar #2: Conceptual framework for evaluating multiple benefits from energy efficiency
Guidance regarding the evaluation process of multiple benefits/impacts within the scope of an energy efficiency programme or policy.
Europe, Webinars | March 15, 2016
Webinar #1: Introduction to Evaluation and the role of IEPPEC
Introduction to Evaluation and the role of IEPPEC. Webinar #1 of the Energy Evaluation Academy.
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_John Fawcett
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Hanna Fekete
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Erwin Cornelius
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Felix Suerkemper
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Frank Stern
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Gregory Chedin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Hale Forester
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Heleen Groenenberg
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Johannes Hengstenberg
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Hossein Haeri
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Jean-Luc Bertholet
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Jerrold Oppenheim
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Joel Pertzsch
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Dora Griechisch
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Ellen De Schepper
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Amela Ajanovic
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Dario Di Santo
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Carly McClure
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Julie Hyun Jin YU
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Al Bartsch
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Andreas Tuerk
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Andrew Charlesworth
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Anne Dougherty
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Boris Reynaud
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Brian Eakin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Caroline Wilson
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Daniel Cabrera
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Casey Cronin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Charles Michaelis
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Christine Ruelle
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Christopher Neme
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Craig Mcdonald
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Dan Staniaszek
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Dan Violette
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Julianne Meurice
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Erik Gilbert
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Katherine Johnson
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Shahana Samiullah
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Poppy Storm
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Rachel Kane
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Rainer Quitzow
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Robert Harmsen
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Sarah Rieseberg
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Sarah Stanley
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Peter Warren
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Steve Braithwait
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Stuart Schare
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Susan Haselhorst
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Theodora Seal
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Toben Galvin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Toshihiro Mukai
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Kathleen Zoonnekindt
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Piet Boonekamp
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Will Gifford
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Peter Bennich
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Mary Zalesny
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Kathryn Parlin
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Ken Tiedemann
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Kevin Monte de Ramos
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Lisa Groves
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Marie-Laure Nauleau
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Martijn Rietbergen
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Marion Vieweg
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Matt Batey
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Maxime Raynaud
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Michael Dalrymple
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Michael Rufo
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Nicole Wobus
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Niki-Artemis Spyridaki
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Nina Campbell
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Noel Stevens
Conference Papers, Europe | September 9, 2014
2014_Berlin_Nora Smedby
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP039_Saheb_IEPEC_12_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Paper Claire Murray and John Fawcett Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC paper Hyeong-Jung Kim (PRP060)- 3rd revision
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC paper Hyeong-Jung Kim
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC paper Robert Harmsen
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Policy pyramids_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP165 TUeno SupportToolRankEE OfficeBldgs
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP058 IEPEC 2012 Vreuls
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP078_Hoefele_IEPEC_12_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP096 SianChristina EvaluativeInvestigation FoodRetail
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP110 Thomas IEPEC final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP133 MColeman Evaluating Personalised Feedback CommBldgs
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP158-Bukarica_IEPEC12_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP159-Bukarica_IEPEC12_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Larsen_Paper
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Paper – Saussay – 10 May 2012-v2
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Deason_Hobbs_Building Codes – IEPEC Edition
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final_Paper_Nina_Campbell
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Boerakker paper Session 24
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP194 IEPEC 2012 Monte de Ramos
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Paper on FreeRiders Patrice Ignelzi
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC – Training Paper – ED VINE
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC 2012 Christian Stenqvist
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC 2012 Top-Down Evaluation Methods – Haeri-Stewart-Osman 9May2012
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Article Boonekamp_Voogt
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Blumberga paper Session 24
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Braithwait Aggregator Paper 20120301
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final Paper_Kate_Jenkins
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Broc_Updated Paper
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Economidou_Maiao_IEPEC_EU Survey
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Evaluating Policies for Energy Provider Delivered EE_IEPEC_Rome_HEFFNER(April30final)
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final Paper — Shibata IEPEC Paper coolNYC Room AC v08 5-9-12
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final Paper — Stern -It’s getting hot in here v08 5-9-12
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final paper Michelle McGuire
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Final Paper_Grayson_Heffner
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP183 IEPEC 2012 Gregory and Prime
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP157 Bosseboeuf et al_v3-2 final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC PRP199 IEPEC 2012 Bjornstad Helgesen FINAL
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_PRP046_Schlomann_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Fawcett_final paper
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_FreemanSkumatzBehavioral_Measurement_v12f
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Frischmann_Kroll_0509
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Joost_Koch
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Leutgöb_paper_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Pilot Program Panel_Samiullah_Dethman_West_03May12
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Raynaud et al_Finalpaper
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Zheng et al_Evaluation of Local Enforcement of EE Standards and Labeling Programs in China_IEPEC Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Session21_Evaluation_Lighting_Market_Transformation_Program_Wilkenfeld
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Session21_Home_Appliance_Programs_Hit_the_Wall_Peters_and_Frank
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Skumatz_EUL_v5_Revised
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Violette_paper_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Vreuls_paper_final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC-Session 19 – Industry – Amelie Goldberg
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Robert Mowris_IEPEC 2012 Paper PRP040
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_China_Practices_on_Evaulating_Energy_Efficiency_Standards_Li_Pengcheng
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC_Sample Size Selection in Energy Efficiency R&E_Baker_Final_1st revision
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Williamson – OGE Smart Study Together Impact Evaluation-fi…
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Session28 Pianosi Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Rome Paper Dirk Both pdf
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Uses of Evaluation Findings – Taking a First-Year Industrial Program to the Next Level 5-7-12
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Rome paper_Gretchen_Jordan
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Schleich_Klobasa_Goelz_Final_revised
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Second Time Around Sara Pasquier
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Session 28 KEMA Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Session 28 Monte de Ramos Final
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC SEP Evaluation final IEPEC 2012 (K Gaffney)
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Sharyn Barata_2012-IEPEC Paper- final to Harry 4-23-2012
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Updated Schare_5-11-12
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC TD Session_ Haeri-Stewart-Osman
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC TD Session_Clara Inez Pardo Martinez
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC TD Session_LuisMundaca&BrianCloughley
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Thema-EECP_20120507_final-PB
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Tiedemann paper Session 24
Conference Papers, Europe | June 12, 2012
2012 IEPEC Updated Ken-ichiro
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_024_Bernadett Kiss
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_025_Mike Ting
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_026_Rocky Harris
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_029_Matthew Murray
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_027_Susan Legro
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_029_Caroline Wilson
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_033_Luis Mundaca
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_031_Karen Rousseau
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_022_Pierre Baillargeon
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_023_Peter Ludwig
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_007_Marcello Antinucci
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_020_Steve Braithwait
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_019_Marjorie Isaacson
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_018_Matthias Deutsch
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_015A_Silvia Rezessy
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_015_Zan Shou
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_014_Ken Tiedemann
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_011_Kevin Cooney
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_010_Joseph Swift
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_006_Claire Murray
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_004_Barbara Schlomann
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_035_Mikael Togeby
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_033_Stefan Thomas
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_063_Louise Trygg
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_037_Edward Vine
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_057_Kathleen Gaffney
Conference Papers, Europe | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_Nicolas Blanc
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_Lynn Hoefgen
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_067_Jean Sebastien Broc
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_066_Hannah Daly
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_065_Martin Howley
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_062_Louise Vickery
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_061_AJ Howard
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_060_Patrik Thollander
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_058_Mary ODrain
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_055_Chris Granda
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_038_Jeremy Newberger
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_054_Carmen Barker Lemay
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_053_Linda Dethman
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_051_Michelle McGuire
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_050_Jane Hummer
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_049_Lea Gynther
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_046_Katherine Johnson
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_045_Felix Suerkemper
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_042_Pierre Baillargeon
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_041_Kevin Monte de Ramos
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_039_Gretchen Jordan
Area, Conference Papers, Europe, Type | June 29, 2010
2010_Paris_002_Theodora Seal