🎓November 6th, Energy Evaluation Europe hosted its fifth Lunch and Learn session online. For this intense and interesting discussion Stefan Thomas (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) welcomed esteemed panelists Veronika Jiříčková (European Commission, DG ENER, Brussels) and Tim Mandel (Fraunhofer Insititute ISI, Germany) to delve into the questions:
- What do you see as the relevant and most important roles(s) of evaluation in the application of the principle?
- How does it differ between planning, policy, and investment decisions?
- How important is a reliable ex-ante quantification (prediction), of impacts on energy savings and reduction of the load at peak hours to ensure acceptance of giving priority to energy efficiency, even if it is cost-efficient?
💡 Closing remarks by Stefan Thomas was that “evaluation must account for both societal and private perspectives to bridge the gap between cost efficiency and actual incentives. He emphasized the importance of policy alignment and suggested further discussion on reconciling these perspectives in future sessions”.
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