Background europe
About Energy Evaluation Europe
Energy Evaluation Europe is a UK registered charity whose purpose is to raise awareness of evaluation among those involved in energy policy, to build the skills of evaluators of energy policy and to develop a community of evaluators to share experience and develop best practice.
Energy Evaluation Europe organises conferences, workshops and webinars on a range of evaluation topics. We welcome policy makers, programme implementers, evaluators, researchers and more generally anyone interested in evaluation issues related to energy and low carbon policies and programmes.
Our European conference is held every two years.The next conference will be in September 2025. The call for abstracts and webpage for the event will launch November 2024.
The first European conference about evaluation of energy efficiency policies and programmes was held in Paris in 2010. The success of this conference led to further conferences in Rome (2012), Berlin (2014), Amsterdam (2016), Vienna (2018), an Online Conference in place of London (2021) and in Paris-Saclay (2022). We work closely with our sister community Energy Evaluation Asia-Pacific.
Our purpose: sharing evaluation experience
The purpose of the Energy Evaluation community is to provide a forum for the presentation, critique and discussion of objective evaluations, as well as for experience sharing about evaluation practices. The community aims to gather new ideas, inputs for current and upcoming debates, experience feedback and lessons learnt about all the stages of evaluations (preparation, realisation, analysis of results, evaluation use).
Our International Conference in Facts & Figures
The attendance of the conference has been from 150 up to almost 200 participants, coming primarily from Europe and then North America. We have also had the pleasure to welcome participants from Asia-Pacific, South America and Africa. This proves the true international dimension to the conference.
The conferences have also produced proceedings amounting to more than 300 peer-reviewed papers. You can browse them here.
What makes Energy Evaluation possible?
Energy Evaluation is only possible thanks to two main types of contributions:
1. volunteers organising community activities, particularly the conference. We welcome people who would like to join the planning committee, please contact energy-evaluation@energiewaechter.de.
2. sponsors supporting the conference, so that the conference can meet high quality standards while keeping registration fees at an affordable level.