Europe, Webinars | March 13, 2018

How energy efficiency policy evaluation can produce benefits and add value to policy makers? (part 1)

Experience sharing webinar of the EPATEE project.


Jim Sheer, SEAI  – Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Rurik Holmberg, Swedish Energy Agency

View the recordings of the webinar here.

Download the slides here.

According to numerous experiences and evidences, evaluation of energy efficiency policy can produce many benefits for policy makers and contribute to improve existing policies and design new ones that are more effective. The EPATEE project has contributed to this topic by sharing some interesting experiences on how evaluation has been used and has produced an added value for policy makers, besides giving some suggestions on the way to make a better use of it and to overcome possible barriers. This was the objective of this webinar, with experiences from Ireland and Sweden.

This webinar is suitable for anyone with an interest in evaluation of energy efficiency policies and programmes.

The EPATEE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 746265.

Disclaimer: Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this webinar and related contents. The views expressed in this webinar are the sole responsibility of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission