Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis
Webinar #18 of the Energy Evaluation Academy. Speakers: Jeremy Sung, Florian Mante, Mathilde Daugy and Louis Chambeau, experts of the IEA (International Energy Agency).
View the recordings of the webinar here.
Download the slides here.
This presentation discussed how policy analysts have monitored energy efficiency trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis. On one hand, novel data sources have made analysing changes during the crisis much easier. On the other, the crisis poses longer-term challenges for analysing policy impacts, particularly due to large changes in time series data.
This was illustrated with results from the IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2020 report, as well as analyses done by IEA’s Energy Data Centre (EDC).
Recent publications of the European Court of Auditors related to EU energy efficiency policies:
IEA Energy Efficiency 2020 report
IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators 2020 report
The Energy Evaluation Academy is jointly organised by Energy Evaluation and Leonardo Energy.