Advisory Committee asia
Evaluation Advisory Committee
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Become an EEAP Advisory Committee
The Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific Advisory Committee has been set up to provide advice and guide the development of EEAP.
Responsibilities of Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee will provide an external perspective and opinions for consideration by the Steering Committee on strategic matters including:
- Helping Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific to reach out to evaluators who would benefit from joining the community
- Raising awareness of the Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific website and the knowledge base available through Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific.
- Suggesting and helping to organise events and webinars that would help to develop evaluation capacity in their country.
Being an Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific Advisory Committee member would bring networking opportunities and professional recognition and you would be able to attend Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific events free of charge.
If you are interested in participating on the Advisory Committee, please contact: Edward Vine
Our Advisory Committee Members

Angelica Austin
Angelica Austin
Angelica would like to contribute to the improvement the theory, practice, understanding and utilisation of evaluation and its contribution to public knowledge and to promote cross-sector and cross-disciplinary dialogue and debate.
Angelica Austin is currently an economics consultant with Intelligent Energy Systems, Advisory team in Sydney Australia. Angelica has spent the last twenty years evaluating energy policy in Australia and the Asia Pacific for both the public and private sectors. She has worked for the Office of Environment and Heritage in NSW as a senior economist assisting with the energy efficiency programs evaluation.
Angelica has also worked overseas on energy and climate change security for an NGO, the East West Institute. She also worked in the International Energy section at the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics. She also worked for the Queensland Resources Council as an economic adviser on energy and climate change policy.
Effective evaluation will lead to many opportunities in the private and public sectors in the design, implementation and evaluation of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs and policies. Angelica would like to contribute to the improvement the theory, practice, understanding and utilisation of evaluation and its contribution to public knowledge and to promote cross-sector and cross-disciplinary dialogue and debate.

Li Pengcheng
Board memberCNIS, China
Li Pengcheng
Li Pengcheng works in Resource and Environment Branch of China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS).

Balawant Joshi
Balawant Joshi
For mankind, modern energy is boon as well as bane at the same time. It’s boon because it’s critical element for development engine and progress. However, modern fossil fuel driven is also causing GHG emissions which is threatening very existence of humankind. It’s important that energy policies are crafted using extensive data and careful monitoring & evaluation to ensure that it remains boon for all time to come.
Balawant Joshi is a founder, promoter and Managing Director of Idam Infrastructure Advisory Private Limited. Balawant is also Adjunct Fellow of Center for Strategic and International Studies, Ranked #1 Think Tank in USA by Global Go TO Think Tank Index and Secretary of Indian Renewable Energy Federation.
He is an energy and infrastructure expert with nearly 30 years of experience. In power sector, his experience spans across entire value chain i.e. generation, transmission, distribution and supply. He has been extensively involved in restructuring/ reforms of utilities and has dealt with various issues ranging from financial restructuring, regulatory, financial due diligence, assessment and development IT processes, etc.
Balawant has been working in renewable energy sector for nearly 20 years and has been involved in several landmark initiatives in the sector. He was involved in the first Feed-In Tariff (FIT) determination for wind and solar sector at state as well as central government. He was involved in implementation of the first three Renewable Purchase Obligations at the state level in the country. He was involved in design, development and implementation of ‘Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism’ in the country.
In Energy Efficiency, he was closely associated with IEA – DSM Implementing Agreement where he managed “Branding of Energy Efficiency” and “Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard” tasks as Operating Agent. He developed “Institutional Structure and regulatory framework for Demand Side Management for utility sector in India” for Forum of Regulators, statutory body of electricity regulators in India. He was also involved in design of ‘Perform, Achieve and Trade’ mechanism, a market-based mechanism for promotion of industrial energy efficiency.
Balawant also heads ESCO company Enfragy Solutions, wholly owned subsidiary of Idam Infra. Enfragy has carried out more than 250 energy audits and has executed several ESCO projects. Currently, he is assisting distribution utility in obtaining regulatory approvals for its Behavioral Energy Efficiency project.
Balawant is an electrical engineer with post graduation in both finance and software technology. He is a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer (IEEE) and Life Member of Computer Society of India.

Rislima Sitompul
Rislima Sitompul
Evaluation is crucial so that energy development activities can be directed to achieve their target.
Rislima Sitompul has been working as a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), with over 20 years of experience in solutions-driven technical research, project leading, and team management. Her research focuses on energy policy, renewable energy studies, energy related CO2 emissions, and the application of appropriate technologies for community development.She has a number of experiences researching and evaluating various industries within Indonesia, and has a firm understanding of the local contexts in which she works. Rislima has conducted research and evaluation on energy financing, reforestation and bio-energy, and promoting regional innovation in Indonesia. She has also experienced working with the World Bank, the Danish Government, the UN Development Program, USAID and the Asian and Pacific Development Centre, mostly on renewable energy issues.
The use of renewable energy has been an important issue in Indonesia’s energy policy as part of the government policy to reduce the use of fossil fuel and also as an effective tool to reduce GHG emissions. A number of policies on renewable energy that have been enacted recently have shown significant increase in renewable energy use, reaching about 12.52 percent in 2017. However, Indonesia aims to achieve the target of 23% renewable energy use by 2025 and 31% by 2050. There are still a lot of efforts that should be done to achieve these target within the remaining few years. Evaluation is crucial in this effort so that any energy development activities can be directed to achieve the target. Evaluation is also important in gaining sustainability of energy development.
Rislima is glad to become a member of the EEAP ambassador team and being able to use her expertise and skill to contribute on making a successful team work on energy evaluation.

Tubagus Iqbal
Tubagus Iqbal
In the next ten years the world will be more balanced in energy security, the use of renewable energy is more dominant in the energy mix, compliance in the use of advanced technology, more efficient and more sustainable.
Currently, Tubagus Iqbal is an Ambassador for Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific and an affiliate at the Centre for Energy Security Studies, Indonesia Defense University. He is working with colleagues around the world in developing a community of evaluators of energy programs in the Asia Pacific.
Evaluation is a sequence in the process that is very important because it ensures sustainability for a cycle to get improvement. Through this improvement, the quality of life will increase over time. Evaluation in the field of energy will ensure that the quality of life is improving, using the development of new technologies based on the assessment of previous technologies.
Effective evaluation will lead to many opportunities in the private and public sectors in the design, implementation, and evaluation of renewable energy and energy efficiency programs and policies.
The area of energy evaluation is interesting because it opens the opportunities for improving society. Tubagus is excited about working with new and experienced individuals and organizations in this effort. Hopefully, his contribution to the future of the world, and especially to his country Indonesia, will bring Indonesia to be similar to developed countries through future-oriented and sustainable programs and policies.

Hidetoshi Nakagami
Hidetoshi Nakagami
We are focusing on the dynamic movements of energy, lifestyle, and consumer behavior in Asia, and evaluation will play a key role!
Hidetoshi Nakagami, Ph.D. founded the Jyukankyo Research Institute Inc. in 1973, he is a certified and authorized first class architect in Japan. He has been working in the energy evaluation field for over 50 years on various subjects: policy, strategic options, technology, monitoring, evaluation for energy efficiency.
He served in the early 1990s on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Appliances in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and as Chairman of Implementation Study Committee for Daylight Saving, Energy Conservation Center of Japan. He is a member of Science Council of Japan (SCJ), and he serves as the Chairman for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee, Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (METI). He is a member of Central Environment Council, Ministry of Environment (MOE) and a member of Council for Social Infrastructure, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT). He is the President of Japan Association of Energy Service Companies (JAESCO).

Elvira Asanova
Elvira Asanova
With the help of utilization of the evaluation findings and recommendations, the best outcomes in realization of SDGs will be achieved. Moreover, good evaluation will lead to an efficient power industry with a further gradual transition to widespread use of green energy by 2030.
Ms. Asanova is currently a project coordinator in the private sector. She started her career as a lawyer with the State Department on Land Management and registration of Rights on Real Estate in the Kyrgyz Republic. She provided consultancy services in energy efficiency and waste management projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, and was involved as an expert in water management project in Kyrgyz Republic in 2018.
Ms. Asanova is interested in Climate Change, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects. She has completed courses in Monitoring and Evaluation, and, in 2017, she completed an e-learning course, “National Evaluation Capacity Development for Country-led Monitoring & Evaluation Systems,” organized by EvalPartners.
In her view, evaluation and adjustment should be applicable not only in a project cycle but also on policies and strategic measures, so that outcomes of joint efforts on national, regional and international levels could be coordinated and rapidly moved in the right direction. She is particularly interested in decreasing GHG emissions from the fossil-fuel combined heat and power plants by using various methods such as improving fossil fuel technologies at the production stage as well as ensuring effective distribution and rational consumption of heat and power through the installation of customized heat supply stations. She notes that developing countries in Central Asia are not industrialized, but are on the beginning of their path to the renewable resources. In this regard, the balance of interests among communities, governments and businesses at all levels is crucial for achieving common goals together for the greater good of lives, species and our planet Earth.

Sarah Sharuddin
Sarah Sharuddin
Environmental issues have always been close to my heart.
Currently, Sarah Sharuddin is an affiliate with the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) in Malaysia and has been involved in energy efficiency programs and workshops for Malaysia since 2017. Started her career with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) in 2014 and has been involved in assisting policy making for the ministry particularly on oceanography issues.
She was a National Science Fellowship receiver majoring in Marine Science while in tertiary education. Environmental issues have always been close to her heart. Sarah was involved with a few NGOs like WWF and Save Our Seahorses (SOS) Foundation during her university days.

Mohammad Ezzani Iswan Ismail
Mohammad Ezzani Iswan Ismail
Evaluation supports sustainable economy and living activities for the benefits of humanity.
Mohammad Ezzani Iswan Ismail or better known as Ezzani, is an analyst at Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC). He completed his BEng (Hons) in Biochemical and Biotechnology Engineering at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). He is an AEMAS Certified Energy Manager and Assessor, having years of experience in the water and environmental quality industry as well as oil, gas and mining sector specifically on chemical analysis and process optimization. He has supervised more than 50 EMGS assessments up to date and is always eager to help organizations be more efficient and reduce more energy.

Gana Pati Ojha
Gana Pati Ojha
Energy is a powerful engine for overall development of people and place. Evidence-based information coming from the credible evaluation is important for making policy decisions around sustainable production and consumption of energy.
Dr. Gana Pati Ojha, a national of Nepal, has about 30 years’ experience in development in different capacities in several countries. For the last 20 years he has been actively involved in research and evaluation with state and non-state actors as a team leader. He has used different approaches of evaluation in his work including contribution analysis, appreciative inquiry, and value for money in addition to other common approaches to evaluation. He also has experience in developing M&E guidelines, promoting quality evaluation through knowledge generation in evaluation, evaluation capacity development, and organizing international and national conclaves, workshops, network meetings and seminars. He is also experienced in managing evaluation organizations, and creating enabling environments for evaluation by contributing to the formation of evaluation policy framework, a M&E Bill, motivating parliamentarians to be evaluation sensitive and helping organize evaluation forums of parliamentarians. He has over three dozen publications and was awarded an Award of Excellence by EvalPartners in 2015 for his outstanding work in evaluation.
Dr. Ojha is the Founder and President of Imagine Nepal and Capital College and Research Centre as well as the President of the Association of Fellows, Students, Trainees and Residents of the International Rice Research Institute (AFSTRI) for 1997/98 in the Philippines. He was one of the key persons to establish the Community of Evaluators-Nepal and served as its Chairperson from 2014 to 2017.
Dr. Ojha is on the Board of Trustees of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), and he is a member of the Management Group of EvalPartners, a global Network for the promotion of Volunteer Organizations for Professional Evaluation. He is also serving as an Adjunct Professor at the Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal.

Ram Chandra Lamichhane
Ram Chandra Lamichhane
Monitoring is the blood circulation and evaluation is the heartbeat of any project to maintain the credibility, quality and good governance.
Ram Chandra Lamichhane, Ph.D., has been working as a professional trainer, facilitator, researcher, project evaluator and strategic planner for the last 20 years. He has worked for the positive transformation of organizations and facilitated numerous trainings, workshops, conferences in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, China, South Africa, Malaysia, Bangkok and The Philippines.

Madhukar Mel Pande
New Zealand
Madhukar Mel Pande
Robust evaluations generate evidence and insights that are critical for circumventing system failure and promoting regulatory stewardship
I have been working in research, evidence-based insights and evaluation for the last 25 years. My current role includes supporting and advising on the development of evaluation frameworks for projects and programmes in New Zealand that are looking to alleviate energy hardship among the vulnerable populations.
I am also part of a wider network of data experts, technical specialists, economists and social scientists, all aiming to reduce our dependence on fossils fuels while exploring opportunities to increase the use of economically-viable renewable options for sustainable energy generation. Current programmes to decarbonise emissions-intensive industries in New Zealand will provide substantial lessons that can be shared across the region and wider. In the same context, we continue to learn from countries who are forging the path to mitigate the effects of climate change through better use of renewable energy sources.

Nina Campbell
Planning committeeWalferdingen, Luxemburg
Nina Campbell
Evaluators and policy makers need to work together to grow the evidence base.
I have been working in the energy efficiency and climate change policy field for 10 years, both at the international level (within the International Energy Agency) and the national level (in the New Zealand government). We urgently need to progress the energy transition, and, as a social scientist, I believe that step-change solutions can be found by drawing on social science perspectives which enable us to understand the role of energy-users in the system, and the wider socio-technical context that energy systems operate within.
Unique social norms and values, practices and identities give rise to an infinite array of different “energy cultures”, and our energy culture has a profound effect on the way we use energy, the way we respond to energy policy and to messages about sustainability and climate change. Through adaptive listening and robust and inclusive evaluation we can start to decipher these cultural influences, to understand what works and what doesn’t and how to do the job better.
What’s more, energy policies are having multiple benefits/ impacts across societies and economies that are often missed from traditional, KwH-focused policy assessment. As a result, we are undervaluing the role that energy and climate projects have in bringing about wider changes in society and improving quality of living across the board.
Awareness of this missed opportunity is growing fast, and evaluators and policy makers need to work together to grow the evidence base and our methodologies for doing so in innovative ways. Increased collaboration and international knowledge sharing is critical to this, especially in smaller countries of the Asia Pacific region, like New Zealand, and networks like IEPPEC and EEAP are where the action happens.

Hur Hassnain
Hur Hassnain
Let us all work together for an earth friendly energy by harvesting the wind, water and sun for our needs.
Hur has 15 years of experience in designing and conducting evaluations in and around fragility, conflict and violence. He has lived and worked in some of the worst contexts in Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Hur has designed, commissioned and conducted research and evaluations for projects funded by the UN agencies, European Commission, private donors and governments of the UK, Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands and Norway. Hur is an expert in experimental and quasi-experimental designs, participatory and theory-based evaluation approaches and has developed innovative tools that have been used on the face of the conflict and presented internationally.
He is an elected Board Member at the International Development Evaluation Association [IDEAS]. At IDEAS, Hur convenes the Thematic Interest Group on Evaluations in Fragility, Conflict and Violence [EvalFCV]. Hur has 15 years of experience in designing and conducting evaluations in and around fragility, conflict and violence. He has lived and worked in some of the worst contexts in Asia, Middle East and Africa. Hur has designed, commissioned and conducted research and evaluations for projects funded by the UN agencies, European Commission, private donors and governments of the UK, Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands and Norway. Hur is an expert in experimental and quasi-experimental designs, participatory and theory-based evaluation approaches and has developed innovative tools that have been used on the face of the conflict and presented internationally.
He is an elected Board Member at the International Development Evaluation Association [IDEAS]. At IDEAS, Hur convenes the Thematic Interest Group on Evaluations in Fragility, Conflict and Violence [EvalFCV].

Ricky Lozari
Ricky Lozari
The high value added by quality evaluation to institutions and society has long been established. The next frontier for us evaluators is to work as a community in exploring global evaluation data for contextual, replicable, scalable, practical and innovative approaches to successfully addressing traditional and emerging energy, environment and climate change concerns.
Dr. Ricky Lozari is the President of the Pilipinas Monitoring and Evaluation Society. He is also the President of the Results-Based Initiative Consultancy Services and a faculty member of the John Gokongwei School of Management of the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. Ricky holds a PhD in Economics and specializes in Behavioral Economics.
Ricky has been working in M&E and applied economics for over 20 years and has produced, quality assured and implemented over 100 reports, studies, plans and systems in the areas of economic and social development, governance, education reforms, human resource and organizational development, MSME development and public-private partnerships.
Ricky has, for over a decade, been advising and capacitating Philippine government agencies and private organizations on matters related to Results-Based Management and M&E. He has been working with multilateral and bilateral organizations including IFC, GEF, ADB, UNDP, IFAD, DFAT, USAID, CIDA and GIZ. He is an alumnus of the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET), Ottawa, Canada; and J-PAL Executive Education Course in Evaluating Social Programs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Ricky hopes to contribute his expertise and help analyze past and present evaluation studies to find social behavioral change-based approaches to reaching energy, environment and climate change goals.

Kang-won Kim
Republic of Korea
Kang-won Kim
Reliable evaluation will play a key role in shaping a sustainable energy policy and a cleaner future
Dr. Kim, Kang-won is the team leader of the renewable energy policy team at KEA (Korea Energy Agency), a government agency under MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), which is in charge of overall energy policy in Korea. He holds a Ph.D. in the field of “Energy System and Power Economics.” While working at KEA, he has worked mostly in renewable energy policy areas, such as a dispatcher at MOTIE renewable energy. He has an expertise for planning of government’s mid-to-long term renewable energy policy. Specifically, he was in charge of the institutionalization of Korea’s Feed-in Tariff and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard), which are the core components of renewable energy supply policy in Korea. Additionally, he has a variety of experiences to expand renewable energy such as the RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard), the renewable energy guarantee program and the RE100 implementation system.

Romeo Santos
Romeo Santos
We need evaluation to keep us aware of how energy consumption leads to our benefits, while it also alerts us how this consumption leads to our perils.
Romeo is interested in how evaluation can further influence policy-makers and corporate practitioners into getting the right understanding that the true results of energy efficiency programs are not just reducing loss and reaping windfall profits, but that of uplifting the welfare and lives of people.
Romeo Santos strongly believes in the cross and trans-disciplinary fusion of corporate, academia, and community practices. It brings good benefits to individuals and society. After all, living is actually a cross and trans-disciplinary mixture of life pursuits.
Romeo’s affiliation with the College of Architecture, University of the Philippines as a professor helps him develop diverse exposure in the industry and international development fields -including community extension services. The evaluation career that he now practices enables him to work in league with practitioners in national government agencies (NGAs); local and international NGOs; the UN, financial intermediaries; development organizations, and many other professionals in the public, private, and plural sectors. He works with the global evaluation community in advancing the cause of evaluation in all disciplines, but specifically in energy efficiency, which is very relevant to his education in architectural engineering.

Architrandi (Chitra) Priambodo
Architrandi (Chitra) Priambodo
Catalyzing the development results in energy sector through excellence in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Chitra has more than 17 years of experience in advisory/consulting services in the development sector, particularly in the areas of energy (power sector) and climate change. For the past 10 years, she has been deeply involved in conducting monitoring and evaluation as part of technical assistance related to power projects, both off-grid and on-grid, and climate change/low carbon development sector.
Chitra is currently leading a team of Independent Verification Agents to verify the performance of the PLN (Indonesian electric utilities) distribution network against the indicators of PLN’s result-based lending from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank’s Program for Results. In this assignment, she also acts as the lead auditor to verify PLN’s achievements of the results framework (both Disbursement Link Indicators (DLIs) and non-DLIs) and of the program action plan.
Chitra was the monitoring and evaluation specialist in an ADB technical assistance project, “Scaling Up Renewable Energy Access in Eastern Indonesia,” where she developed the monitoring and evaluation plan for the “Sumba Iconic Island Initiative,” a program that aims at scaling up energy access in Sumba Island in eastern Indonesia, by using renewable energy sources. The program consists of fifteen sub-programs including scaling up small-scale hydro projects, solar power and biomass power generation.
In a World Bank-funded assignment, Chitra led a team in conducting the evaluation of micro-hydro project operations that had been developed under PNPM (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (National Program in community empowerment)) green block grants. The evaluation covered 15 micro-hydro locations in Sumatera and Sulawesi, Indonesia, and it included an evaluation of the financial analysis of the operation (investment and revenue), the socio-economic benefits and the operation and management quality of micro–hydro projects.
Chitra’s monitoring and evaluation experience in climate change issues includes assistance to carbon credit transactions and verifications, greenhouse gas accounting and audits for oil and gas industry and cement manufacturers. Her regional coverage of working experience covers China, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
Chitra received her Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Indonesia. She earned her Master’s degrees in Energy Technology from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, and in International Project Management from ESCP Europe, France.

Hae-in Cho
Republic of Korea
Hae-in Cho
Realizing that evaluation is essential to promote evidence-based discussions among partners, Hae-in has a strong commitment to make contributions for Asia-Pacific evaluation community.
Hae-in is working on the evaluations of various programs from energy to international development field, Hae-in has been involved in the entire process of monitoring and evaluation. Working with diverse partners such as utility and government, Hae-in has designed a monitoring and evaluation framework, defined indicators, and developed methodologies for impact evaluations. Currently, Hae-in is focusing on the evaluation of demand side management programs, and has been assessing (or estimating) the impact of the programs.
Good evaluations of energy programs in Asia-Pacific will definitely help to use energy efficiently and achieve a transition to clean energy.

Asela Kalugampitiya
Sri Lanka
Asela Kalugampitiya
We all have to save this planet for the future by all our activities. Evaluation will help us to understand how human activities put the earth in danger. Let’s work together to make the earth a better place for all of us.
Asela Kalugampitiya is a Sri Lankan lawyer currently working as EvalPartners Executive Coordinator. EvalPartners is a Global partnership of civil society evaluation capacity development. He manages evaluation capacity building initiatives around the world.
Asela has been working in the M&E field for over 15 years particularly in gender equality and policy development. He has worked for international organizations including International Development Law Organization (IDLO), UN Women, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), International Labor Organization (ILO) and CARE International as Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.
Asela was instrumental in launching International Year of Evaluation 2015 and organizing Global Evaluation Forum held at the parliament of Nepal and parliament of Kyrgyz Republic. He was also instrumental in initiating parliamentarians’ movement promoting evaluation culture: Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation. The first ever parliamentarians evaluation forum was held in Colombo in Sep 2018 with participation of over 250 delegates from over 70 countries where parliamentarians committed for the Colombo Declaration.
He has worked as the (honorary) Director- Center for Evaluation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. He is a member of the teaching faculty of the Post Graduate Diploma in Evaluation course run by the same university.

Thusitha Sugathapala
Sri Lanka
Thusitha Sugathapala
The development challenges in the energy sector are complex, while the solutions required are comprehensive and transformational in nature. Thus, competent individuals, learning organizations and informed societies are central in shaping the energy sector towards sustainable development. Effectuating the Knowledge Cycle: Knowledge development, Knowledge sharing and Knowledge application is the way forward, for which comprehensive energy evaluations are crucial.
Thusitha Sugathapala is a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering of the University of Moratuwa (UoM) in Sri Lanka; and a Chartered Engineer. He served as the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UoM from 2005 to 2008; Director – Undergraduate Studies; Chairman – Academic Committee and Chairman – Curriculum & Evaluation Committee of the Faculty of Engineering from 2008 to 2011, the Director General of Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority from 2011 to 2015, and the founding Director of Enterprise – the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and University-Business Linkages of UoM from 2016 to 2019. He has also worked as a consultant for several national & international programmes under multilateral development agencies. His key research areas of interest cover Renewable Energy (RE), Energy Efficiency (EE), Air Quality and Waste Management, Sustainable Transport, Climate Change and Sustainable Development.
Thusitha Sugathapala has been involved with development of many levels of formal as well as informal and non-formal educational programmes, from early childhood to professional.
Thusitha Sugathapala’s contributions to other sectors at national level include, among others, the development of National Policy & Strategy on Sustainable Development of Sri Lanka; National Policy on Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP); National Energy Policy & Strategies of Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka Vehicle Emission Testing programme; Feed-in tariff for non-conventional RE sources; Vehicular exhaust emission standards; Stationary sources emission standards; SCP Education Plan for Sri Lanka together with SCP course module & Resource Pack for university education; Clean Air Action Plans; NDCs for Transport, Energy & Waste sectors; Regulations for EE of appliances; EE Building Code; Sri Lanka Standards Specification on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainably Produced Fuel Wood.
He obtained the BSc Engineering Degree from UoM and PhD from University of Cambridge.

Linda Dethman
Linda Dethman
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Do one thing every day that scares you. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Linda Dethman is a social scientist and behavior change expert who helps her clients conduct pioneering clean energy and integrated sustainability research projects designed to:
- Protect and efficiently use resources
- Help people, communities, and markets take energy friendly actions
- Create enduring tools for change
- Produce measurable outcomes
She has worked in the United States, Canada, Asia, the South Pacific, and Africa. Her clients include Energy Trust of Oregon, NW Energy Efficiency Alliance, utilities throughout the NW United States, BC Hydro, Efficiency Nova Scotia, New York State Energy Development Authority, Con Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, USAID, USDOE, and the Secretariat of the Pacific.
Ms. Dethman couples qualitative and quantitative research skills with in-depth knowledge of the design and results of hundreds of sustainability programs. Clients depend upon her to solve problems, recommend workable solutions, and track the impacts of programs, including technical assistance, capacity building, social marketing, equipment and behavior changes, and policy efforts. She is a professional facilitator, teacher, presenter, and an award-winning writer.

Songhee Han
Republic of Korea
Songhee Han
Songhee Han has a keen interest in the principle of climate justice, the nexus between sustainable development and climate change, and the impact of evaluation. She has been working in this field at non-profit organizations, academia, and a government-funded research institute and has a doctoral degree in international studies focusing on development cooperation.
Throughout her career, she has collaborated closely with diverse stakeholders, contributing to the evaluation and monitoring of projects related to development cooperation and climate technology development and transfer. Her involvement spans a range of areas, including feasibility study of climate-related aid, case study on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and net-zero initiatives, and research project on sustainable finance.
Her publications are mainly on climate-development nexus in developing countries, aid determinants and effectiveness, barriers and enablers to climate technology transfer, and innovative financing for development. Analyzing the impact of energy programs is a crucial element in her research as well.

Phan Quang Thinh
Phan Quang Thinh
To achieve the long-term vision of maximizing energy efficiency, involvement from various stakeholders including policymakers, suppliers/ manufacturers, distributors, commercial customers, household customers, etc.. are indispensable. With many viewpoints concerned, energy evaluation serves a critical role in identifying the beneficial components from stakeholders and those which need improvements upon. Through such assessments, a suitable strategy can be implemented to leverage effective facets and assist in improving solutions to optimize the program’s impact.
Thinh has 27 years of experience in program evaluation from various fields, including energy efficiency. He is one of the few people in Vietnam who has real, practical experience working as a senior in prestigious organizations to provide, as well as apply insights. Thinh has a MBA degree from the University of Hawaii and is currently a Managing Director at TITA Research (Turn Insight To Action), one of the leading local research & consultant agencies in Vietnam.
Thinh is always passionate to contribute to the sustainable growth of the industry by delivering speeches at ESOMAR Tokyo, The best of ESOMAR Vietnam, World Marketing Congress Mumbai, energy evaluation training course provided by APEC, and universities. In addition, he also received appreciation from the Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam and the President of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.