2022 Europe Conference
Students Applications Now Open for a free participation at Energy Evaluation Europe 2022 in Paris-Saclay on 28-30 September 2022
(deadline for applications: 15th of July, 2022)
Energy Evaluation Europe is pleased to announce that we will offer a free participation to selected volunteer students for the Energy Evaluation Europe 2022 conference. This includes a free registration (not accommodation or travel cost).
You can apply for a free participation if you are currently a master or PhD student or intern (or that you get your degree in 2022), and that your course, PhD topic or internship has a strong link with energy transition policies, or the evaluation of public policies.
When you apply, you also commit to join the team of volunteers who help with the organisation of the conference. This means to help the moderators during one or two sessions, and to help at the welcome desk for maximum 1 hour per day.
For more information about the conference, please contact the Energy Evaluation co-ordinator Marta