2022 Europe Conference
EEE conference 2022
Thank you for a fantastic Energy Evaluation Europe 2022 Conference
from 28.-30. September 2022, at the EDF Lab Paris-Saclay
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The Energy Evaluation conference was held in 2022, providing a platform for energy policy makers and program managers, evaluators, academics, and energy professionals to come together and share their experiences. The conference aimed to exchange new ideas, feedback, and lessons learned about all stages of evaluations.
The theme for the conference was “Beyond COP26 and Fit-for-55: how energy evaluation can inform a fair path to carbon neutrality”. The COP26 highlighted the need for higher ambitions in energy transition policies to tackle the climate change challenge. The conference aimed to assess what countries have already implemented and achieved in the six years since the Paris agreement, and what can be learned from successes and failures.
In the European Union, 2022 was the year to assess the achievement of the 2020 targets. The COVID-19 crisis had helped temporarily reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions, but the trend seemed to be upward again. The fit-for-55 package issued by the European Commission in July 2021 was discussed, which included a package of legislations (new or revised) to cope with the increased ambition to reduce GHG emissions by 55% (instead of the previous 40%) by 2030 vs. 1990 levels.
Digitalization was another major element that was discussed as it might impact evaluation practices, in terms of methods (e.g., use of big data) and subject (e.g., impacts of digitalization on energy consumption).
The current context raised many challenges for the evaluation community, such as putting more emphasis on relevance, focusing more on actual impacts in terms of reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions, evaluating the impacts of policies in a fast-changing context, evaluating behavior changes and their persistence during crises, evaluating new types of policies such as sufficiency policies, and providing a quick feedback evaluation strategy while keeping an eye on the long-term perspective.
The conference also continued discussions about non-energy impacts and the possible synergies between energy efficiency and other fields, especially in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Overall, the Energy Evaluation conference was a success in bringing together experts from different fields to share their knowledge and discuss the challenges faced by the energy evaluation community.
The organizers of the 2022 Energy Evaluation Conference were pleased to announce that they had secured sponsorship from two major companies for the conference.
Diamond sponsor
Électricité de France S.A. (EDF) was the first Diamond sponsor of the conference, and they had graciously offered to host the conference at the EDF Lab Paris-Saclay. EDF is a French multinational energy company headquartered in Paris, and their support was greatly appreciated by the conference organizers.
Platinum sponsor
The second major sponsor of the conference was The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), who was the first Platinum sponsor of the event. ADEME has been involved in combatting climate change and promoting sustainable development for over 30 years. Their dedication to building a more resource-efficient and inclusive society was inspiring, and the conference organizers were thrilled to have their support for the event.
The organizers recognized that the success of the conference was due to the support of its sponsors. Therefore, they welcomed additional sponsors for the conference to continue the discussion on energy evaluation and its crucial role in mitigating the impact of climate change. The organizers were grateful for the support of their sponsors and looked forward to collaborating with them again in future events.
If you are interested in being a sponsor for our next event, please see the Sponsors page, or email jamilja.vandermeulen@tno.nl copying in energy-evaluation@energiewaechter.de for more details.