2021 Europe Conference
- the clickable conference programme with hyperlinks to the papers or extended abstracts
- the compressed files including all the peer-reviewed papers
- the compressed files including all the extended abstracts
- the compressed files including the presentation files: pack 1 and pack 2 (updated 02 April 2021)
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Keynote speakers
The conference committee is thrilled to confirm the below keynote speakers who will be sharing their knowledge at the 2021 Energy Evaluation Europe virtual conference.
Wednesday 10 March – What are the challenges in delivering the energy transition? How is the UK addressing these challenges? What role does evaluation play in accelerating progress?

Dr Hans Bruyninckx became the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency on 1 June 2013. In 1996 he completed a PhD in international environmental politics at Colorado State University and since 2010 headed the HIVA Research Institute in Leuven which specialises in policy research. Over the last 20 years, he has conducted research in more than a dozen countries, in areas including environmental politics, climate change, and sustainable development.

Chris Thompson is the Director for Clean Growth at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). He leads BEIS’s work on delivering emission reduction while seizing the economic benefits of the low carbon transition. His previous role was Labour Market Director in BEIS where he lead the Government response to the Matthew Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices. Prior to that Chris worked on the Consumer Rights Bill in BEIS, Further and Higher Education policy in DfE and a range of roles in HM Treasury. Chris will reflect on the UK’s commitment to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and the important role evaluation has played thus far. He will provide a policymaker’s insight of how evidence can be effective in supporting the energy transition.
Thursday 11 March – Evaluation in times of Emergency

Tina Fawcett is a senior researcher at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, and Acting Deputy Leader of the Energy Programme there. She has twenty years’ experience of research on energy demand and policy and leads policy and governance work at the multi-university Centre for Research on Energy Demand Solutions. She has worked on a wide range of UK, EU and international projects.

Gavin Killip is interested in finding solutions for a more sustainable built environment. He joined the University of Oxford at ECI in 2004 after working for 10 years on energy efficiency and building-integrated renewable energy projects in the voluntary and public sectors. He takes a broad ‘socio-technical systems’ approach to investigating how technology and behaviour evolve and affect each other, with the ultimate goal of proposing positive change by understanding better the workings of complex systems. Most of his research focus has been on existing housing in the context of climate change mitigation – investigating the possibility of market transformation for the construction industry providing repair, maintenance and improvement (RMI) services. He is interested in governance, education and the role of institutions in support of sustainable development.

Lelde Kiela Vilumsone is Team Leader for Energy Efficiency Policy Development and Strategy in the Energy Efficiency Unit, Directorate General of the European Commission. Currently Ms. Vilumsone is leading the team in charge of carrying out the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), which encompasses the evaluation of the Directive, setting up stakeholder consultation activities and carrying out the impact assessment for revising the Directive. Ms. Vilumsone was coordinating the focussed revision of the EED back in 2016, and prepared the evaluation and the impact assessment on energy savings obligation (Article 7 of the EED).
Monday 15 March – If it’s not Just, there is no Transition

Philip Sellwood was CEO of the Energy Saving Trust from 2003-2020. During that time he has undertaken work for all UK Administrations and has represented the UK as part of the European Energy Network. He was awarded a CBE in the 2019 Queens Honours List for services to public policy. Currently Philip is Chair of the Zemo Partnership, he advises several companies in the private sector alongside membership of several Government bodies in the academic research sector. In addition Philip is a NED on the boards of the Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd and the Local Government Innovation and Improvement. Philip was also a founder Trustee of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation a global charity committed to promoting the development of the circular economy. Philip is a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Arts and the British Institute of Management.

Stefan Bouzarovski is a Professor of Human Geography at the University of Manchester, and an Associate of the Institute of European Energy and Climate Policy. He also chairs the world’s largest network of energy poverty experts, practitioners and policy advocates, titled ‘European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation’, funded by Co-Operation in Science and Technology. He is an internationally leading expert in energy poverty and sustainability policy, having written over 120 scientific publications, three single-author monographs, one co-authored textbook and edited four books on these topics. He has led or consulted for over 50 projects on energy justice and urban transformations. With more than 25 years of experience in energy inequality measurement, identification, socio-demographics, local, national and international best-practice policy development and evaluation, he has provided expert advice to the European Parliament, European Commission, United Nations, World Bank and International Energy Agency. As a former chair and founder of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory, in the 2019 EU Protects campaign he was named an ‘ordinary hero’ for his efforts to combat poverty and inequality across Europe.

Dragomir Tzanev is Executive Director of Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect and official representative of Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy – Bulgaria. Coordinator of the successfully completed Train-to-NZEB and Fit-to-NZEB Horizon 2020 projects, as well as of the ongoing NZEB Roadshow, EXCITE, BeSMART (H2020), OurBuildings, MEMS and CONGREGATE (EUKI) projects. Team leader for EnEffect in more than 30 international cooperation projects. Member of the Advisory Board of the International Passive House Conference and of the UNECE Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency. Author of a series of publications and lecturer at numerous international conferences in the field of sustainable energy development, education and training on energy efficiency and RES in buildings, principles of passive and nearly zero-energy buildings, and municipal energy planning.
Tuesday 16 March – : Using evaluation in international climate change to support policy change

Antonia Caldeira-Saraiva is the Deputy-Director for International Climate & Energy Analysis at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). She leads a multi-disciplinary team of analysts to deliver evaluation and economic analysis specifically in the field of energy and climate. Prior to joining the Civil Service, Antonia worked in the private sector delivering evaluations for UK Government, the European Commission, NGOs and multilaterals. Antonia is experienced across the full range of evaluation approaches, from experimental to theory-based, to assess the implementation and impact of domestic and international programmes, including climate financing programmes, energy efficiency policies, smart metering and innovation funds. .

Joe Dickman is a Senior Evaluation and Learning Specialist at the Climate Investment Funds. jdickman@worldbank.org. Joe leads the CIF Evaluation and Learning Initiative, managing a large portfolio of studies and learning activities covering key topics in climate finance and drawing upon CIF experience in clean energy, energy access, sustainable forestry and climate resilience. Prior to joining the CIF, Joe was Deputy Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning at The MasterCard Foundation, and has previously led design, monitoring and evaluation activities for several non-governmental organizations, including Mercy Corps and CARE International. Joe also served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Bolivia, and holds a Master’s in Public Affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University.

Prof. Dr. Mizan R. Khan is currently Deputy Director at the Int’l Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) & Programme Director, LDC Universities’ Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC), Dhaka. Prof. Khan has recently been conferred the award of the `most outstanding professor’ by the World Education Congress. He served as a Visiting Professor/Fellow: at the University of Manitoba; School of Public Policy/University of Maryland; Universite de Poitiers; & at Brown University. He is a Lead Author of the IPCC & attends climate negotiations as the lead in climate finance with the Bangladesh delegation since 2001. Dr. Khan has a wide range of publications including several books published by Routledge & MIT Press, on climate change economics, politics and capacity building. He speaks French & Russian as well.

Melanie Slade has spent thirty years in energy efficiency policy development and implementation in many parts of the world. She started out working in the UK Government on industrial and appliance energy efficiency and has worked with many other governments to establish similar programmes, perhaps most notably, the Government of China since the 1990s. In 2007 Mel became the Chair of Australia and New Zealand’s Equipment Energy Efficiency programme and where she led the phase-out of inefficient lighting. Mel moved to the International Energy Agency in February 2014 to manage the Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies Programme. Mel and her team work with policy makers in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa and Thailand to develop more effective energy efficiency policy, track its progress and assess its potential. While not an evaluator herself, Mel has often been ‘’the client’’ and is keen to support the development of policy evaluation skills among officials and the growing evaluation community in emerging and developing economies.