Asia, Online Articles, Presentations, Webinars | April 26, 2024

Energy Evaluation in Asia Pacific: Latest Updates

On April 18, 2024, the Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific (EEAP) hosted the 4th session of its webinar series, dedicated to the “Evaluation of SDG7 Policies and Programs in Asia Pacific.” This enlightening webinar featured two distinguished speakers: Ada Ocampo, President of IDEAS – International Development Evaluation Association, and Henry Adams Co-founder and Director at Common Capital, Australia.

Henry provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in evaluating and adapting clean energy affordability programs in the context of evolving climate policy objectives, stressing the importance of transformative thinking and data-driven approaches. Ada provided a comprehensive overview of the rationale, challenges, and importance of country-led evaluations in assessing progress towards the SDGs and contributing to transformative change.

The discussions underscored the need for transformative approaches, such as rethinking program design and adopting a systems perspective, to effectively address challenges and maximize benefits, whether in clean energy affordability programs or SDG evaluations. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of equity, data-driven analysis, and active participation to ensure inclusive and sustainable outcomes. This document summarizes the key discussion points from the webinar.


  1.  “Country-led evaluation of the SDGs: Why and why now?”,  Ada Ocampo, President, IDEAS,

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