EEAP Webinar 5: Summary Note

Energy Evaluation in Asia Pacific: Latest Updates

On Thursday 12th October 2023, Energy Evaluation Asia Pacific (EEAP) held the fifth webinar of the EEAP Webinar Series. The webinar focused on the Evaluation of Energy Policies and Programs in Chile, featuring two distinguished speakers from the Energy Sustainability Agency of Chile. Raúl Riveros discussed the evaluation of energy programs in Chile, showcasing the agency’s work, while Javier Rojas shared insights gained from monitoring electric vehicles under the Mi Taxi Eléctrico Program.


Jon Respati’s article on ‘Evaluation Practices in Indonesia’

Jon Respati’s article on ‘Evaluation Practices in Indonesia’

Current Status and Emerging Developments

In this article, EEAP’s Steering Committee member, Jon Respati delves into Indonesia’s evaluation landscape. Indonesia is making strides in adopting energy evaluation practices, driven by the need to transition to clean energy. Key developments include the establishment of the Indonesian Energy Evaluation Institute (IEEI) and collaborations with international organizations. Energy evaluation seminars and discussions are actively promoting the importance of holistic evaluation in guiding national development programs. As Indonesia moves towards a sustainable energy future, the role of evaluation practices is becoming increasingly pivotal. Read Jon’s full article here.

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