How and what can we learn from verifying energy savings first estimated with engineering calculations? (part 2)
Experience sharing webinar of the EPATEE project.
Pr. Laure Itard, Chair Building Energy Epidemiology, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Dr. Alex Summerfiel, Energy Institute, University College of London, UK
View the recordings of the webinar here.
Download the slides here.
The EPATEE project dedicated two experience sharing webinars to the comparison of energy savings based on engineering calculations with energy savings determined from metered energy consumption. The first part presented two examples of ex-post evaluations that tackled this issue. For more details about this topic, see also the dedicated EPATEE case study.
This webinar provided a complementary experience from studies using large databases of metered energy consumption by presenting the following cases:
> Case 1: Energy savings from renovations in the Dutch non-profit housing sector, with a statistical analysis of the differences between results based on the Energy Performance Certificates, and results based on metered energy consumption.
For more details about this case, see: Filippidou, F., Nieboer, N., and H. Visscher, 2017. Effectiveness of energy renovations: a reassessment based on actual consumption savings. Proceedings of the ECEEE 2017 Summer Study, 1737-1746.
> Case 2: Analysis of the differences between energy consumption from building energy stock models, Energy Performance Certificates, and the impact of efficiency measures using metered data from the UK National Energy Efficiency Data-framework (NEED)
For more details about this case, see: Summerfield, A.J., Oreszczyn T., Palmer, J., and I.G. Hamilton, 2018. Caveats for Policy Development when Combining Energy Ratings, National Building Energy Models, and Empirical Statistics. Proceedings of IEPPEC 2018.
The webinar dealt with the following questions:
- What data and methods could be used to assess energy savings?
- How could the “metered” energy savings be compared with the “estimated” energy savings?
- What difficulties were encountered?
- What can be learnt in terms of evaluation practices for future evaluations?
The EPATEE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 746265.
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