🎓On December 3rd, Energy Evaluation Europe hosted its sixth and special “Lunch and Learn” session online. This session aimed to introduce the co-chairs of the Energy Evaluation Europe 2025 Conference. Unfortunately, Barbara Schlomann (Fraunhofer ISI) was unable to attend. The event was moderated by Jean-Sébastien Broc (IEECP, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy). The Co-Chair Christine Wörlen (Arepo Consult) provided insightful perspectives on Energy Evaluation Europe, along with valuable information about the upcoming Energy Evaluation Europe Conference 2025.
Click here for Summary
🎓November 6th, Energy Evaluation Europe hosted its fifth Lunch and Learn session online. For this intense and interesting discussion Stefan Thomas (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) welcomed esteemed panelists Veronika Jiříčková (European Commission, DG ENER, Brussels) and Tim Mandel (Fraunhofer Insititute ISI, Germany) to delve into the questions:
- What do you see as the relevant and most important roles(s) of evaluation in the application of the principle?
- How does it differ between planning, policy, and investment decisions?
- How important is a reliable ex-ante quantification (prediction), of impacts on energy savings and reduction of the load at peak hours to ensure acceptance of giving priority to energy efficiency, even if it is cost-efficient?
💡 Closing remarks by Stefan Thomas was that “evaluation must account for both societal and private perspectives to bridge the gap between cost efficiency and actual incentives. He emphasized the importance of policy alignment and suggested further discussion on reconciling these perspectives in future sessions”.
Click here for Summary
On June 26th, Energy Evaluation Europe hosted its fourth Lunch and Learn session online. For this intense and interesting discussion Joel Franklin (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and EEE Planning Committee member) welcomed esteemed panelists Gesche Huebner (University College London, UK) and Carine Sebi (Grenoble Ecole de Management, France) to delve into the question: “How can evaluation insights respond to and inform public debates about the energy transition.
Key discussion points included:
🔍 Hard facts vs. nice narratives: How can we turn hard facts into compelling stories?
📊 Validity of scientific evidence for the public
⚖️ The impartiality of narratives: Should they be? Can they be?
Effective communication is crucial for balancing emotionally engaging narratives with scientifically robust facts, utilizing digital platforms and public forums to bridge the gap between evaluators, policymakers, and the public. Policymakers need clear, actionable results translated from academic research, ensuring broad stakeholder input for transparent and trustworthy policy-making.
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EEE Q2 2021 Newsletter

The Energy Evaluation Europe Q2 2021 Newsletter is now out! Download it here:
Best wishes,
The Energy Evaluation Team
Webinar #19: Lessons learnt from the EEA catalogue of environment and climate policy evaluations in Europe
Lessons learnt from the EEA catalogue of environment and climate policy evaluations in Europe
Webinar #19 of the Energy Evaluation Academy. Speakers: Magdalena Jóźwicka-Olsen, European Environment Agency; Fabian Landes and Aurelie Louguet, Ramboll
View the recordings of the webinar here.
The EEA catalogue of environment and climate policy evaluations is a database of about 600 evaluations. This webinar presented the objectives and contents of this catalogue, how it has been developed and what lessons can be learnt from this compilation.
The EEA catalogue and related report are available at:
The Energy Evaluation Academy is jointly organised by Energy Evaluation and Leonardo Energy.

EEE Q1 2021 Newsletter

The Energy Evaluation Europe Q1 2021 Newsletter is now out! Download it here:
Best wishes,
The Energy Evaluation Team
EEAP Webinar: Energy Efficiency for Developing Countries: Pivoting the Focus from Savings to Increased Outputs
Sign up now

EEAP Webinar: Energy Efficiency for Developing Countries: Pivoting the Focus from Savings to Increased Outputs
28th April at 11.30AM IST
Much of the analysis of energy efficiency investments has focused on energy savings. But for developing countries, the value of energy efficiency arguably lies more in the additional goods and services that energy efficiency can generate to raise standards of living. This webinar will discuss how to adapt economic analysis to capture this different perspective.
Sign up now
Philippe Benoit, Global Infrastructure Advisory Services 2050; Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy
Joeri de Wit, Energy Economist, World Bank
Energy efficiency for more goods and services in developing countries | EEG (
Energy Efficiency for Developing Countries: Pivoting from Fewer Inputs to More Outputs | Inter Press Service (

Webinar #18: Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis
Tracking energy end-use trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis
Webinar #18 of the Energy Evaluation Academy. Speakers: Jeremy Sung, Florian Mante, Mathilde Daugy and Louis Chambeau, experts of the IEA (International Energy Agency).
View the recordings of the webinar here.
Download the slides here.
This presentation discussed how policy analysts have monitored energy efficiency trends and policy impacts during the Covid-19 crisis. On one hand, novel data sources have made analysing changes during the crisis much easier. On the other, the crisis poses longer-term challenges for analysing policy impacts, particularly due to large changes in time series data.
This was illustrated with results from the IEA’s Energy Efficiency 2020 report, as well as analyses done by IEA’s Energy Data Centre (EDC).
Recent publications of the European Court of Auditors related to EU energy efficiency policies:
IEA Energy Efficiency 2020 report
IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators 2020 report
The Energy Evaluation Academy is jointly organised by Energy Evaluation and Leonardo Energy.

Kathleen Gaffney
Kathleen Gaffney

The whole Energy Evaluation community has been saddened by the loss of Kathleen who passed away in Paris on 21 January 2021.
Kathleen was a leader in the evaluation field
with a career which included roles at DNV GL
and Navigant in the US, Australia and the UK.
In 2018 Kathleen joined the International
Energy Agency as a Senior Programme
Manager where she was able to share her
experience more broadly and with young
people in particular.
Kathleen has been actively involved with
Energy Evaluation and our sister
organisation IEPEC contributing numerous
conference papers over the last 20 years.
She was co-chair of our conference in Vienna in 2018 and for the online conference that will be held in March 2021.
It was always a pleasure to work with Kathleen. Her great energy, expertise and enthusiasm will continue to be a source of inspiration for all of us. She will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her.
A fund has been established to create a lasting memorial to Kathleen, for more information and an opportunity to contribute visit